Data retention policy
FatSync Software Private Limited will securely store your data on our servers. Upon requests, we will delete your data.
Data includes -
1. incidents
2. alerts
3. integrations
4. user Slack tokens
5. Slack message IDs
6. org Slack tokens
7. team id
8. profile picture and basic Slack user profile
Data archiving and removal policy
At FatSync Software Private Limited, we believe your data, your control. Deletion of data will be complied within 45 days of request. To request deletion, please contact
Data that can be archived and removed includes -
1. incidents
2. alerts
3. integrations
4. user slack tokens
5. slack message IDs
6. org slack tokens
7. team id
8. profile picture and basic slack user profile
Data storage policy
FatSync Software Private Limited will securely store your data on our servers. All data is stored on encrypted disks with timely and rotating backups on our servers. We use AES-256 encryption at rest.
Data includes -
1. incidents
2. alerts
3. integrations
4. user Slack tokens
5. Slack message IDs
6. org Slack tokens
7. team id
8. profile picture and basic Slack user profile
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
Cloud hosted
App/service has sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)