In as little as 30 seconds, you can arrange a complete meeting: date, time, conference call, video chat - even an in-person meeting with those in your Slack Channels.Whether setting up a quick Zoom call, Uberconference or just finding a time and place to meet for coffee, Arrangr is simple and fast to use no matter the number of participants.Our proactive, flexible 1-on-1 invitations let you suggest multiple times or time ranges, places or call methods and lets your recipient accept the best option with a single click, all while making sure you don’t double-book. Arrangr’s group event polls smoothly funnel you to the best options for scheduling those impossible-to-coordinate group meetings.Arrangr’s integration with Slack lets you easily trigger Arrangr invites right from within Slack with shortcuts from the Slack "lightning-bolt" button, or with slash commands. You can also easily feed your Arrangr events and invitations right into any Slack channel you choose!
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