Data retention policy
Customer data is retained for as long as the account is in active status. Data enters an “expired” state when the account
is voluntarily closed. Expired account data will be retained for up to one year. After this period, the account and related
data will be removed. Customers that wish to voluntarily close their account should download their data prior to closing
their account.
If a customer account is involuntarily suspended, then there is a four week grace period during which the account will
be inaccessible but can be reopened if the customer meets their payment obligations and resolves any terms of service
Data archiving and removal policy
If a customer wishes to manually backup their data in a suspended account, then they must ensure that their account is
brought back to good standing so that the user interface will be available for their use. After four weeks, the suspended
account will be closed and the data will enter the “expired” state. It will be permanently removed one year thereafter
(except when required by law to retain).
If a customer wishes to manually delete their data, they can send a request for deletion to,
where the request will be logged in Honeybadger's customer support system. Once the request is processed, the
customer is notified via a response email that their data has been removed.
Data storage policy
Honeybadger Industries stores customer data in a secure production account in AWS, using a combination of Postgres,
S3, ClickHouse, ElastiCache, and DynamoDB. By default, Amazon S3 provides durable infrastructure to store
important data and is designed for durability of 99.999999999% of objects.
Honeybadger Industries performs automatic backups of all customer and system data to protect against catastrophic
loss due to unforeseen events that impact the entire system.
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)