Celebrate Birthdays & Anniversaries with BirthdayBotTrusted by over 40K organizations globally.More Than Just Reminders: BirthdayBot is designed for remote and hybrid organizations to enrich team culture
Automate: enter, auto-collect or easily bulk import your teams’ birthdays.
Personalize celebrations: Set reminders, customize messages, and match the vibe from :herb: neutral to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: funny or :hot_pepper: edgy.
(NEW!) Send gift cards: sweeten birthdays with group gift cards giving access to hundreds of brands in the US and beyond.
Worldwide Celebrations: Multi-language content: :us: :gb: EN, :es: ES, :flag-br: :flag-pt: PT, :de: DE, :kr: KR, :jp: JP.
Craft Memorable Moments: Choose ready ones or create custom birthday and anniversary cards.
Flexible Options: Celebrate across multiple channels, choose timezones, and let members opt out.
Stay in Sync: use our Google or Outlook Calendar integration.
Always Find the Right Words: Use our Congratulation Helper.
Personal Touch: Receive reminders for Friends/Family birthdays.
Future-Ready: Enjoy frequent updates and new features on the horizon!
Ease of Use:Fast and easy setup with intuitive UI.
Extensive support and onboarding guides are available
Responsive support – get help within a business day.
Why Choose BirthdayBot?•
Unrivaled Content: Customized, localized content sets us apart.
Group gift cards: Chip in for a gift right from BirthdayBot’s interface.•
Fair pricing: Free plan for smaller teams, Premium Plans with a 30-day free trial.
Only Pay for the Party: You only pay for active celebrators, not the entire workspace.
Get started today!