Data retention policy
Legal retention periods vary depending on the type of Information concerned, and they can be quite long. For instance, Personal Data relevant to our accounting or taxation (which is likely to be the case upon some of the Personal Data under the Profile Information and Billing Information categories, and may also apply to some other Personal Data) must be retained for at least seven years after the primary purpose for their processing ceases to apply (e.g., seven years following the financial year when our business relationship with you terminated and the last transaction between us occurred).
Data archiving and removal policy
You have the right to request that we delete or remove the Personal Data we have on you where there is no good reason for us continuing to process them. Please note that we may not always be able to comply with your request as there may be specific legal reasons which warrant the processing. Should this be the case, we shall inform you accordingly at the time of your request.
Data storage policy
Toggl OÜ will only store your Personal Data for as long as necessary in the light of, or compatible with, the purposes for which the data were collected (e.g., enjoying our rights and performing our obligations under the contract you have with us, if that was the sole purpose) and such additional period as may be required by law.
App/service has sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)