Data retention policy
Perplexity: we store data indefinitely and can delete on request.
Data archiving and removal policy
Data is deleted from our service 30 days after a user disables or deletes their account.
Data storage policy
Data is encrypted at REST, always in secure storage, always encrypted in transit.
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
We store our data on AWS servers.
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)
LLM model(s) used
Models from OpenAI, Anthropic, xAI, and in-house
LLM retention settings
Perplexity uses various LLM models to power our answer engine. OpenAI, Anthropic, and xAI retains data for 30 days. Please find more details about our Data Protection and Data Retention policies in LLM data tenancy policy
Customer data is retained for as long as the account is in active status. Data enters an "expired" state when the account is voluntarily closed. Expired account data will be retained for 30 days then removed.
LLM data residency policy