Data retention policy
The system retains messages/ information indefinitely. Users can configure their workspace to have retention policies to clear messages according to their policies.
Data archiving and removal policy
The system retains messages/ information indefinitely. Users can configure their workspace to have retention policies to clear messages according to their policies.
Data storage policy
Data is encrypted in transit and at rest.
Data hosting company
AWS, Google Cloud,, Github, Firebase
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)
LLM model(s) used
Gpt-4 and Gpt-4o
LLM retention settings
30 days. After this period data is deleted.
LLM data tenancy policy
Data submitted to LLM is not used to train the LLM models.
LLM data residency policy
Data residency is in the United States.