Data retention policy
Count.It collects user data only for use in its group challenges. The system maintains group and user level data. Group data includes location, leaderboards, challenge goals and rewards, teams, and results of current and past challenges. User data includes name, email address, avatar image, location, fitness tracker types, and daily activity data, as well as analytics on user performance in challenges. Both group and user data are kept as long as the group and the user are active on the system.
Data archiving and removal policy
Groups and users can remove their accounts at any time. Most data is removed instantly. Some data is archived, encrypted.
Data storage policy
All data is stored securely on the MondoDB Atlas service. The system enable multi-level security protocols, including security zones for all collections, encrypted key access, and admin level 2FA requirements.
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
Cloud-hosted. We are hosted in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk service, as well as MongoDB Atlas.
Data hosting company
AWS & Mongo Atlas
App/service has sub-processors