Data retention policy
Protecting your privacy and ensuring the safety of your data is our primary priority. We retain your data for the duration of your use of our services regarding your Slack workspace details and the rules you store through slash commands. Raw requests sent to Channel Response Bot are not stored. At any point, you have the option to ask for your data to be deleted, either proactively or by deleting our app, by contacting Channel Response Bot strives to maintain as little data as possible to engender trust in our client relationships and minimise risk.
Data archiving and removal policy
You can submit a request to have your data deleted at any time after removing Channel Response Bot from your workspace. Send your request to and your data will be deleted within 30 days. All data backups are deleted within 4 weeks.
Data storage policy
We strive to maintain the highest levels of security for your data. All data is encrypted in transit and at rest. Utilising SSL and AWS Relational Database Service, All data is encrypted in transit with HTTPS over SSL (TLS 1.3), and at rest with AES-256, block-level storage encryption.
App/service has sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)