Data retention policy
Data is retained between 90 days and indefinitely depending on the customer’s subscription plan.
Data archiving and removal policy
Salesmsg aperiodically archives and/or removes data that is no longer in scope for retention at its discretion or at the request of a customer.
Data storage policy
Salesmsg's data is encrypted in transit and at rest. All HTTP traffic is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections, and traffic is only accepted on port 443. Salesmsg's SSL status can be verified here. All data and associated keys stored at rest in our databases are encrypted using the industry-standard AES-256 algorithm. Static files, such as images and other documents, are persisted using AWS S3 storage and encrypted before being stored. Customer data is backed up regularly to protect against data loss.
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
The majority of customer data, including conversation data, resides in storage systems located in Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) US-East-1 region. Salesmsg may transfer and process Company Data anywhere in the world where Salesmsg, its Affiliates or its Subprocessors maintain data processing operations. Salesmsg shall at all times provide an adequate level of protection for the Company Data collected, transferred, processed, or retained in accordance with the requirements of Data Protection Laws. *Additional Details* All of Salesmsg's application and database storage is safely contained within Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) infrastructure, which is accredited by ISO 27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (Previously SAS 70 Type II), and PCI Level 1.
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)