Data retention policy
Canopact retains Customer Data only where necessary to provide its services and only for as long as a customer is an existing Canopact user. We securely retain basic data, including Slack usernames, Slack profile images, email addresses and Slack workspace names for existing users. We only retain message data when a post is scheduled to be sent via Canopact’s app. Once posted, Canopact doesn’t retain the message data. We only retain the title/ heading and date/ time of the post for the customer’s benefit to track analytics.
Data archiving and removal policy
When a workspace administrator deletes the Canopact app, all Customer data obtained from the customer’s Slack workspace is deleted in accordance with the applicable laws (e.g., UK-GDPR, EU-GDPR). When data is deleted by Canopact, it is permanently deleted (as opposed to soft deleted). Canopact would only retain Customer Data for previous customers where we are legally required to do so.
Data storage policy
Canopact uses Render, which is a secure hosting platform for our servers (servers located in Germany). Render uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) provided by Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to encrypt data at rest and during transfer, using 256-bit encryption. Render provides fully managed TLS certificates and redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS so that users’ security is never compromised. Canopact’s servers support TLS v1.2 and above, providing secure communications over our network. Render also backs up Canopact’s PostgreSQL databases on a daily basis to prevent data loss, retaining all backups for at least 7 days.
Data center location(s)
Data hosting details
Refer to Data Storage policy above. For list of sub-processors, refer to the table at the end of the Privacy & Security Policy.
Data hosting company
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors