Data retention policy
Customer data is removed immediately upon deletion or message retention expiration.
Data archiving and removal policy
Customer data is removed immediately upon deletion or message retention expiration. Backups are destroyed within 14 days. We follow industry standards and advanced techniques for data destruction.
Nextup defines policies and standards requiring media be properly sanitized once it is no longer in use. Our hosting provider AWS is responsible for ensuring removal of data from disks before they are re-purposed.
Data storage policy
Nextup utilizes the services provided by our hosting provider AWS to distribute our production environment. The distinct locations within the AWS network ensure protection from loss of connectivity, power and other possible location specific events. Full backups are stored in the AWS cloud in a highly redundant and available storage solution. Backups are created once per day.
We maintain a disaster recovery and business continuity plans providing our processes and procedures to follow in the event of a disaster. These plans are updated as needed and at a minimum of annually.
App/service has sub-processors