Collaborate faster and sell smarter when you build your digital HQ using the Sales Cloud for Slack app. Get notified about the right deals and easily update your Salesforce data. Bring in deal updates from Sales Cloud to move the team’s business forward and close deals quickly.
As a seller, focus on selling with easy pipeline management -- edit, create, and share Salesforce data right within Slack.
As a sales team, close more deals with Salesforce-linked channels that keep everyone updated on specific opportunities and accounts in play.
As a business, create visibility on deals to help teams across your org prioritize strategic opportunities. Using preset Salesforce Flows, set up real-time feed channels to notify the org of new deals entering the pipeline or deals closing that need rep focus or resources. Customize Flows to fit your business need.
Use Sales Cloud for Slack to improve collaboration and close more deals as a team.
If this app appears as "Restricted," please reach out to your Slack admin to enable the app for your company's Slack and Sales Cloud users. Share this
admin set up guide with your operational leaders to make it easy.
If this appears as "Add to Slack," the app has already been enabled for your organization. You can follow this
user guide to install and start using the app today!
For license information, see the
end user license agreement (EULA).