:desktop_computer: Quick and easy desk booking
Works solely in Slack; boost adoption, no extra credentials to manage, ready to go as soon as you install it.
:calendar: Google Calendar integration
Set working location when booking a desk, send a calendar invitations when booking a meeting space. Enable for your whole team with domain-wide delegation or let people opt-in individually.
:three_button_mouse: One click desk booking
Make it easy for your team to book a desk and increase collaboration.
:briefcase: Guest desk reservation
Got a visitor coming in that needs a desk to work from? No problem, enable your team to book them a desk and let everyone know they'll be in.
:handshake: Book meeting rooms
Let your team know what resources are available such as projectors, TVs, webcams, and whiteboards.
:busts_in_silhouette: Boost attendance
No one wants to be in the office on their own, show your team who else will be in and let them join with a click.
:alarm_clock: Set reminders
Remind your team to book in with weekly reminders to a channel of your choice.
:muscle: Flexible
Organise your workspace how you like; let your team book specific desks, sit where they want, or both by dividing your workspace up into spaces. You can even restrict a space to specific users.
:parking: Book car parking
Set up a space for your car park to make sure everyone who needs one gets a spot.
:bar_chart: Reports
Understand how your workspace is being used and export data as a CSV.
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