Data retention policy
Strategy X retains your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. We may retain your personal information for longer if it may be the subject of a legal claim, or may otherwise be relevant for future litigation.
Data archiving and removal policy
Strategy X will ensure that Personal Data in the custody of Strategy X is protected against any accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration and disclosure as well as against any other unlawful Processing. Strategy X will implement appropriate security measures in storing collected Personal Information, depending on the nature of the information. All information gathered shall not be retained for a period longer than necessary and/proportionate, subject to applicable requirements of the Data Privacy Act and other relevant laws and regulations. All hard and soft copies of Personal Information shall be disposed and destroyed, through secured means
Data storage policy
Strategy X will ensure that Personal Data in the custody of Strategy X is protected against any accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration and disclosure as well as against any other unlawful Processing. Strategy X will implement appropriate security measures in storing collected Personal Information, depending on the nature of the information. All information gathered shall not be retained for a period longer than necessary and/proportionate, subject to applicable requirements of the Data Privacy Act and other relevant laws and regulations. All hard and soft copies of Personal Information shall be disposed and destroyed, through secured means
Data center location(s)
Data hosting details
Cloud Hosted
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors