Features:eight_spoked_asterisk: Public and Private notes - Create public notes in channels or jot private notes to yourself in any conversation so you don't miss anything.
Slash Commands1. /stick• :pushpin: Create a new sticky note for a channel or a user.
/stick2. /stickies• :card_index_dividers: Access all your sticky notes in one place.
/stick [note]
/stick Call with Marketing Team
/stickies of [author] in [conversation] [category]
— Show all stickies in workspace
/stickies of me in here
— Show all stickies of me in current conversation
/stickies of @user in #channel
— Show all stickies created by @user in #channel
/stickies of @user in #channel achievements
— Show all achievements created by @user in #channel
PricingStart a 14 day trial period today and enjoy all the features.
$2.99 per workspace, per month, when billed yearly
$4.99 per workspace, per month, when billed monthly
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