Data retention policy
The only identification that is stored / processed by VerityRMS is a user’s first and last name,
company (work) email address, work telephone number, and IP address. There is no data processing or analysis with regards to IP address.
Any other data processing conducted is done with regards to usage statistics and client support,
for the sole purpose of providing feedback and best possible experience to the customer and user.
We do not store any health and genetic data, biometrics, racial or ethnic data, political opinions, or sexual orientation of a user.
Data will be stored throughout full the duration of the licensing agreement between VerityRMS and the customer / client.
Upon termination of the agreement, client data is provided back to the customer and then destroyed from Verity servers. Each Verity customer has its own unique database and private server environment, and files and data are encrypted both in-transit and at rest.
For all VerityRMS customers and users, we honor and adhere to “Data Subject Rights” of GDPR. This includes the following outlined items:
- Right to Access
- Right to be Forgotten
- Data Portability
- Privacy by Design
- Data Protection Officers
To make a request related to your data or request your data to be deleted, please get in touch with and our team will be happy to assist you.
Data archiving and removal policy
The only identification that is stored / processed by VerityRMS is a user’s first and last name,
company (work) email address, work telephone number, and IP address. There is no data processing or analysis with regards to IP address.
Any other data processing conducted is done with regards to usage statistics and client support,
for the sole purpose of providing feedback and best possible experience to the customer and user.
We do not store any health and genetic data, biometrics, racial or ethnic data, political opinions, or sexual orientation of a user.
Data will be stored throughout full the duration of the licensing agreement between VerityRMS and the customer / client.
Upon termination of the agreement, client data is provided back to the customer and then destroyed from Verity servers. Each Verity customer has its own unique database and private server environment, and files and data are encrypted both in-transit and at rest.
For all VerityRMS customers and users, we honor and adhere to “Data Subject Rights” of GDPR. This includes the following outlined items:
- Right to Access
- Right to be Forgotten
- Data Portability
- Privacy by Design
- Data Protection Officers
To make a request related to your data or request your data to be deleted, please get in touch with and our team will be happy to assist you.
Data storage policy
The only identification that is stored / processed by VerityRMS is a user’s first and last name,
company (work) email address, work telephone number, and IP address. There is no data processing or analysis with regards to IP address.
Any other data processing conducted is done with regards to usage statistics and client support,
for the sole purpose of providing feedback and best possible experience to the customer and user.
We do not store any health and genetic data, biometrics, racial or ethnic data, political opinions, or sexual orientation of a user.
Data will be stored throughout full the duration of the licensing agreement between VerityRMS and the customer / client.
Upon termination of the agreement, client data is provided back to the customer and then destroyed from Verity servers. Each Verity customer has its own unique database and private server environment, and files and data are encrypted both in-transit and at rest.
For all VerityRMS customers and users, we honor and adhere to “Data Subject Rights” of GDPR. This includes the following outlined items:
- Right to Access
- Right to be Forgotten
- Data Portability
- Privacy by Design
- Data Protection Officers
To make a request related to your data or request your data to be deleted, please get in touch with and our team will be happy to assist you.
App/service has sub-processors