Data retention policy
Scribe's data retention policy is indefinite by default. This is to ensure that Scribe can comply with a variety of customer retention requirements. Customers and users may request data deletion at any time via
Data archiving and removal policy
Scribe’s Data Deletion Policy describes how customer data is deleted in connection with the cancellation or termination of a Scribe account.
This policy applies to all data collected by Scribe except:
- data that resides in any Scribe product or service not covered by this policy
- data that resides in third-party services managed and hosted by third parties, with the exception of the company’s infrastructure provider
- data that resides in Scribe products or services that are in beta, testing, or an early access program (with the exception of PII subject to GDPR and CCPA requirements).
It is Scribe’s policy to store data indefinitely unless otherwise requested by customers.
Scribe may provide the option for customers to delete data after their subscription ends. This request must be made by the customer, and Scribe may require additional ID verification. Scribe should hard delete all information from currently-running production systems within 30 days of the deletion request.
Only the following employees can delete customer data in the event that Scribe is required to do so:
Scribe Production Engineers
Data storage policy
Scribe uses resources to store and encrypt sensitive data. To keep data encrypted at rest, Scribe ensures that all new and existing resources use our cloud infrastructure provider's server-side encryption. By default, cloud infrastructure provider encryption uses data center provider-owned or cloud services provider-managed keys stored in a KMS. Specific services can also be configured to use customer-managed encryption keys using KMS or customer-supplied encryption keys.
Our cloud infrastructure server-side encryption uses one of the strongest block ciphers available, 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), to encrypt Scribe data.
Data hosting details
Scribe hosts data in an encrypted virtual private cloud environment. Scribe uses an industry-standard data center provider that is ISO 27001 and SOC 2 compliant.
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors