Data retention policy
DoubleLoop captures Personally Identifiable Information in the course of transacting with users of our products and services. Data and documents are securely retained for the life of their usefulness, with minimum retention times for certain categories outlined below (in certain cases, as required by law). DoubleLoop reviews retained data and documents periodically to determine if any items should be safely destroyed.
Special Considerations
1.Tax Records. Tax records including payroll, expenses, proof of deductions, business costs, and other documents are retained for a minimum of six years from the date of filing the applicable return.
2.Employment Records/Personnel Records
a.Employment and personnel records including performance reviews, complaints, and other information in the employee personnel file are maintained for a minimum of six years.
3. Legal Files
a.Legal files are maintained based upon advice from legal counsel with a minimum retention period of ten years.
a.Email records of any of the above are printed and maintained in hard copy on an as-needed basis.
Data archiving and removal policy
On review, if data is no longer of value and is not legally required to be stored, or if we are legally compelled, data will be securely destroyed. Data destruction follows a two-step procedure (outlined below) to make sure all data is effectively destroyed.
●All personally identifiable data stored electronically - including any and all backups - will be deleted. In certain instances, we may instead securely obfuscate personally identifiable data in order to maintain backup integrity.
●Any and all hard copies of the data will be securely shredded and disposed of.
Data storage policy
Data at rest is disk encrypted with certain data (names, emails, etc.) having a secondary level of encryption. Access to the database is controlled by securely generated and stored password strings and no direct access is given to any user. If we begin to store data that requires PCI compliance we will revise this policy.
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
App/service has sub-processors